2021 District 4 Gold ADDY Winners!
The celebration continues for our short film, Snap! Orlando: Creative Placemakers, as we take home a Gold in the 2021 AAF District 4 American Advertising Awards!
The American Advertising Awards got its start in 1960 right here in District 4, which encompasses the entire state of Florida and the Caribbean. By receiving a Gold at the District level, the film will be forwarded automatically to the national level of the American Advertising Awards in Washington D.C.
On April 16th at 4:00pm, AAF District 4 is hosting a Facebook stream to announce who the finalists are for the Best-of-Category awards. We invite you to join us on May 1st as AAF District 4 will be hosting their 60th Annual Awards gala where they will be displaying the winning work and announcing all top winners.
Check out our IGTV to see the full Snap! Orlando brand story and share with your family, friends and colleagues.
AAF District 4 Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/4aafpage