Meet Our Summer Interns: Juliette & Alex!

We have two new interns that have joined the team for the summer semester!
Juliette & Alex have jumped right in, helping our Creative Department as Creative Assistant Interns. Read on to get to know more about them and what they've been up to this summer at Oxenfree!

Juliette is a rising senior at Elon University in North Carolina, majoring in Journalism with a minor in Leadership Studies. Her family lives in Orlando, so we are lucky to have her while she's here for summer break!
As a Creative Assistant Intern, Juliette has been involved in multiple aspects of our Creative Department. She has done everything from supporting pre-production by creating shot lists for upcoming productions, to editing behind the scenes videos for us! Most recently, Juliette learned about the visual effects involved in a recent project of ours to create a behind the scenes video, and worked on a Tijuana Flats production as our Production Assitant.
Juliette is interested in story creation and editing, and she is eager to learn more about these aspects of the film industry!
When Juliette returns to campus this Fall, she's excited to become involved in ElonDocs: a cohort of Film and Cinema students that develop and film documentaries together.
Juliette loves to create! In her free time, she enjoys drawing in any capacity, both digitally and traditionally.

Alex is a double-major from the University of Florida studying Digital Film & TV Production and English. We have loved having her here this summer while she spends summer break in St. Augustine and Orlando with her family!
Alex has quickly gotten hands-on experience in our Creative Department as Creative Assistant Intern. She's worked on-set with us as a Production Assistant, helped our Post-Production Department by assembling selects footage and developing an assembly cut, and collaborated with our team to put together a pitch deck for a project. Most recently, Alex helped us concept a tourism film by conducting background research, and even operated a camera on set!
Alex is interested in both Production Design and Screenwriting, as well as a career in the editorial magazine industry.
With the experience she gained at Oxenfree, Alex recently earned a Videographer position at her school's magazine publication!
A fun fact about Alex: she won the Tropicana Speech Contest in 5th grade, a state-wide public speaking competition for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders in Florida.
We are so impressed with what Juliette and Alex have already accomplished during their short time with us. We look forward to helping them continue their education during the rest of their internship with us this summer!